Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

Landscape, Language, Teaching, Wildness, Beauty, Imagination

Threaded Beads


Meadowlark in stained glass. Artist, Marie Hooper

Meadowlark in stained glass. Artist, Marie Hooper

Christmas tree

Christmas tree

It’s early morning, Noé and Wynn are off to her 5:45 am dance practice, the boys still sleep, and I sit by the Christmas tree with my candles and write to you. I made my first batch of Christmas Tea of the season and the scents of orange, cinnamon, and clove mix with the candlelight of the morning.

I’ve been hoping to write for the past month, and the swirl of the end-of-semester intensity, combined with my computer crashing and burning, laughed in the face of my hopeful intentions of connecting with you.

So often, I’ve thought of you and hoped to write. Then, yet another meeting, pile of student work to read and respond, class to be taught, or any of the other myriad of aspects that are a natural part of the rhythm of any semester rose to the surface of what needed immediate tending and I scribbled in my journal yet another idea to write about to you. Then there was the whole no-computer-thing and the scribbles of notes for Dewdrops multiplied on the pages.

Until this morning.

Holding Trinity at our Christmas party at the college. Heaven.

How I spent  the Christmas party at the college. Heaven.

It is my hope that the next few weeks, those notes jotted in my journal find their way to you. Normally, I write Dewdrops pieces every few weeks, out of respect for the busyness of all of our lives. That rhythm will change for the next couple of weeks, with a series of brief pieces that I think of as ‘threaded beads.’ Small written pieces – threaded beads – about the power of perseverance and magic, wonderful books to read, images of Santa Fe at Christmastime (which really is as magical as it appears), and other thoughts and ideas waiting patiently now between the pages of my journal. 

First – the stained glass piece above for the sheer beauty of it! On one of those very long days this month, when I looked at my To-Do List and whispered, “Impossible,” under my breath, an unexpected package arrived from Marie Hooper, my former Teaching Assistant from my undergrad years at UC/Davis. In a great gift of this year, we reconnected after more than two decades in which life took us on separate paths. In addition to serving as Chair of the History Department of her university, she’s a stained glass artist. This piece, the cover of MEADOWLARK in stained glass, now hangs in our living room window, so I can see always. The light, the color, the time and attention, the love, the history all shine through the panes and design. My heart overflowed and speechless, I scribbled some barely coherent thank you. A friend responded to this photo of the piece by writing, “When we are inspired we truly inspire others; it is a gift to the world.” How true and oh-so-wise. Now, not only does this piece symbolize deep friendship, love, and beauty – but it also reminds me of the essence of each of us bringing the beauty we can to the world. Beauty begets beauty.

Threaded beads over the next few weeks. I look forward to our shared journey. I’ve missed you!



Colors of winter in Santa Fe.

Colors of winter in Santa Fe.

Author: Dawn Wink

Dawn Wink is a writer and educator whose work explores language, landscape, wildness, beauty, and imagination.

15 thoughts on “Threaded Beads

  1. Pingback: Dewdrops Birthday | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  2. Pingback: Books to Curl Up With and Savor | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  3. Pingback: Writing the Land Class in January – Online | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  4. Thank you Dawn for the beautiful musings in this holiday season.
    Enjoy, Relax and Just Be!!
    Lovins, Sandy

    • Hey dear Sandy, Your beautiful Christmas card arrived today. Thank you! Yes, such a gift to be able to enjoy, relax, and Be. Lots and lots to do with writing and the holidays & family, and am going to so enjoy the opening now to sink into these. Love to you, Dawn

  5. Oh Dawn, I’m a sucker for that colored glass! How wonderful to gaze at. Another reconnection from so many years gone by, how nice. I’ve been thinking about your muddy boots and the messiness is life. I can relate intimately to it all…..big hugs, Happy Holidays-Rach

    • Dear Rachel, Oh, did I think of you with this piece! How you and I both love colored glass! Yes, isn’t it just so beautiful. This hangs out the front window. Out my kitchen window I see your Dewdrops and the incredible raven/work that is real pieces that you made. I am surrounded by beauty and creativity! Muddy boots and messiness – oh, yes… 🙂 ! So very grateful to share in all. Huge hugs to you! Dawn

  6. My first sample of your blog. You immediately captured my attention, and I look forward to more. Thank you for sharing.

  7. We’ve missed you too! Finally on holiday here until 6 January. Now just have to figure how to get into the rhythm of holiday mode!! xxoo Susie

    • Susie, I just put your Christmas card in the mail today! It will arrive sometime in the realm of Christmas Day, I’m hoping… 🙂 So glad you’re on holiday. Miss you, miss you! XXOO Wink Woman

  8. Good morning, Comadre! I’ve been sending you love every day and am glad you have time to breathe and decompress from the highs and lows of the semester–Meadowlark is out! Meadowlark is out! Followed by the blizzard and your computer crashing and all…. Oh my. So take time to be you, to enjoy the season and most of all to breathe in the beauty that returns to you from all of your work. Let it nurture you. Much love to you on this dawn two days before Winter Solstice!

    • Querida Comadre Susan, Thank you so much for sending that love. I felt it. Yes, it’s been quite a semester with both great highs and lows. I am grateful for this time to just be home with my family and I plan to sink into the savoring of it all. So grateful for you and thank you for lifting beauty and the Winter Solstice!

  9. Dear Dawn, I had been missing Dewdrops and so happy for “Threaded Beads”. What a terrific idea/concept. Small vignettes filled with shared words and deep thought.

    Hugs and Happy and Blessed Holidays to you and you family. Lindy

    • Dear Lindy,
      I’ve been missing you and Dewdrops, too! I felt all out-of-place without the rhythm of our time together. I’m so thankful that you like this idea. It came to me this morning and I felt such a sense of relief and also deep contentment. Here we go!
      Love and hugs to you,

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