Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

Landscape, Language, Teaching, Wildness, Beauty, Imagination


Meadowlark on Amazon and Discovered Reading Treasures

Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse

So, I have been checking Amazon.com fairly often (read constantly), wondering when Meadowlark would appear. My publisher told me two weeks ago that it could be any day and that there is no rushing Amazon.

Yesterday evening, I was talking with Mom on the phone, as she was on her way home from Rapid City. I checked Amazon—again—and there it was!

“Mom, Mom, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but Meadowlark is on Amazon!” I whooped, while jumping and twirling. That I was on the phone with Mom, whose stories and memories sparked my writing this novel, when I discovered this made me think again of the thinning of the veil that has occurred throughout this journey.



It is with great pleasure (and much jumping, whooping, and jubilation) that I share this news with you. 

To order from Amazon, click here.

And here, some reading treasures that I just love. A bit of beauty for us all.

Reading makes immigrants of us all.

Reading makes immigrants of us all.

As I swallow books...

As I swallow books…

Martin Vidal

Martin Vidal

Barbara Tuchman

Barbara Tuchman

Edouard Vuillard

Edouard Vuillard

Lose ourselves in books...

Lose ourselves in books…

The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye

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