Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

Landscape, Language, Teaching, Wildness, Beauty, Imagination

Everyday Patterns


Beauty on my run. #11miles

Gifted shirt from my Auntie Ace. Perfect and timely.

In March 2020—roughly a decade ago—when the pandemic began, I read a piece about about a photojournalist who began “a visual diary of intimacy within isolation, amid the COVID-19 pandemic,” published here: Stay Home: A Portrait of Confinement in Milan. From her home in Milan, Italy, Camilla Ferrari conveys how, “ordinary scenes and everyday patterns, sometimes paired together, take on new meaning inside the one-bedroom apartment where Ferrari finds beauty and comfort in the poetry of daily life.”

At that time, all three adult children had moved home for quarantine. Our home filled with the energies and interests of three 20-somethings. Still able to run outside in nature here in New Mexico, I wondered how different the experience to be in a one-or two-bedroom flat in Europe, without nature easily accessible. I marveled at what that must be like on my daily runs outside through the high desert. This knowledge lifted my awareness of the expanse, freedom, gifts of nature, and fresh air my runs provided, especially in a full house.

My runs also provide the gift of solitude, something during quarantine many of us crave. I have thought of the vastly different experiences of quarantine based on context; for many of us, we had young adult children move home, bringing whole new rhythms and patterns—or lack thereof. Others are separated from children they normally see. Talking with a dear friend, who lives alone, I realized the deep well of loneliness of those who live alone during quarantine, without the norms of moving within greater society, with the human contact of friends, family, and colleagues.

A run under these clouds.

As many places around the world, here in New Mexico we entered another severe lockdown last week, due to the rising numbers in in our state and throughout the US. I thought again of the “visual diary of intimacy” from that one-bedroom flat in Milan. I tend to see bits of beauty in everyday life and stop whatever I’m doing to either savor or photograph. Wherever you are, and whatever the state of quarantine or not, the emotional weight of this pandemic wears on us all. I hope these bits of beauty from Santa Fe and beyond may bring a little of another world to your home.

Yucca pod. Beauty on my run.

I am a person of rhythms. The daily rhythms of my life create the foundation which makes all else possible. Integral to these rhythms are the early morning hours of candlelight, coffee, and solitude. During this time, I write, dream, and envision. I cherish this time, with only the soft light of the candles, lights hung around the window, my journal, and pen. It is when those rhythms are disrupted, as so often now during the pandemic, that I find them even more vital.

Early morning hours in my writing room.

The daily rhythms of sunrise and sunset provide structure and mark each day. Rooftop sunrise, Santa Fe.

“November is chill, frosted mornings with a silver sun rising behind the trees, red cardinals at the feeders, and squirrels running scallops along the tops of the gray stone walls”. —Jean Hersey

How about a walk on the November prairie?  5 Reasons to Hike the November Prairie This gorgeous piece, ripe with the November beauty of the prairie by Cindy Crosby takes me to the ranch.

Crosby begins, “1. November’s prairie is a sea of gorgeous foamy seeds. Exploding asters loosen their shattered stars against the winds.”

“Let’s go look for hope. Peace. Beauty,” she writes.

Yes, let’s.

Sunlight through grass tufts on my run.

The Van Gogh French press and two cups reflects the pattern of our days. Luke and I each pause each day in the early afternoon to share a cup of coffee. Great care goes into the selection of which cup for each of us on that day. I treasure this time and these conversations with my 22-year-old son.

It’s official—I advanced to PhD Candidacy. Now to complete the dissertation/defense.

A gift of the every day beauty included receiving this beautiful photo and sharing with a Book Club to talk about Meadowlark. I just love this photo.

@Renee Roebuck

Speaking of books, a fantastic new writing book out by Linda Hasselstrom. Wise and wonderful.

A final gift from one of my runs, a reflection of the, “ordinary scenes and daily patterns that take on new meaning.” As I ran by this tree and saw this cluster, my first thought was, “Spider web or fairy home?”

I know what I see.


Author: Dawn Wink

Dawn Wink is a writer and educator whose work explores language, landscape, wildness, beauty, and imagination.

20 thoughts on “Everyday Patterns

  1. Thank you so much once again. You are like this gift of spirit that says, “Stay, listen, hear, look, see, be.
    Dewdrops always brings me back to the moment.

    I would like to recommend a book to you if you haven’t already read it. “Book of Delights” by poet Ross Gay.
    I think it would speak to you like you speak to us in your reveries.
    May 2021 be a new awakening.


    • Dearest Connie,
      Thank you ever so much taking the time write and connect. And, thank you for that book recommendation! I am not familiar with “Book of Delights.” I very much trust your recommendation and look forward to reading.
      Love to you and, yes, may 2021 be a new awakening. Beautiful.

  2. All of your photos are awesome, but I especially like your sky pictures.

  3. Congrats on your PhD candidacy and thanks for sharing these thoughts

  4. Wonderful photos Dawn. I particularly like “A run under these clouds” Thank you for sharing James Anhalt

    On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 7:50 AM Dawn Wink: Dewdrops wrote:

    > Dawn Wink posted: ” In March 2020—roughly a decade ago—when the pandemic > began, I read a piece about about a photojournalist who began “a visual > diary of intimacy within isolation, amid the COVID-19 pandemic,” published > here: Stay Home: A Portrait of Confinement in M” >

  5. Dearest Dawn, It’s wonderful to see you are back in action with more frequent DewDrops….. Please keep writing. Loven’Hugs. Dan

    • And thank you for the beautiful photos, it’s good to see yucca and Little Bluestem grass which we don’t have in the far west.

      • Dearest Dan,
        SO wonderful to hear from you. Thank you and thank you for taking the time to write and connect. I am so very grateful that you enjoyed this piece. Thanks ever so much for your thoughts on more regular Dewdrops. After the past few years, I am ever more grateful to you for this.
        Much love,

  6. Thanks for this beautiful and inspiring post.

  7. Congratulations. So beautiful !

    Love you!
    Cathy Yaap

  8. Thank you for sharing and helping me see the simple beauty of your landscape. I’m a creature of ritual, as well, and find myself both questioning the need as well as savoring each little movement during this period of quarantine. Interestingly, my rituals have adapted over the nine months, as the weather changes, the light shifts, and my need to connect to the creative spirit deepens.

    • Mamawolfe, thank you so very much for taking the time to connect here on all. I’ve learned so many about patterns from YOU. All you write here reads as poetry. So beautiful!
      Love you!

  9. Thank you, Mom.wow.com!!! This means SO much to me!

  10. OMG: Too beautiful!!!



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